Re: Concerns Regarding Federal Government Cuts to the LINC Contract at Vancouver Community College (VCC)
Dear Minister,
On behalf of the Faculty Association at Vancouver Community College (VCCFA), I write to express concern over the recent notice of the massive funding cut to the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program at VCC. The college was given no notice of this drastic cut which will take effect March 31 st of this year, and which will eliminate the program entirely.
For close to 60 years, in one form or another, VCC has taught the LINC program to newcomers to Canada. This language training is designed to provide not only the language skills, but the essential skills that will help a newcomer adjust to and thrive in Canada. LINC students find community and learn about Canadian culture at VCC. Currently, there are close to 800 students enrolled in the program. LINC students at VCC come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse learning needs. Some students are deaf or visually impaired; many have learning disabilities. VCC has faculty and staff with the expertise to meet all these needs. In addition, we offer students access to library services and counselling. We have a disability services department that helps ensure that needs of students are accommodated in the classroom, and we have other wide-ranging student supports to ensure student success. This is a thriving, wait-listed program that serves its community as it has for decades.
I grew up in the 1970’s and it was the era when “multiculturalism” became one of Canada’s foundational philosophies. For over 40 years this country has welcomed newcomers. I wonder what is happening to that country now.
Who will be most affected by the elimination of VCC’s LI NC program? Society’s most vulnerable. Those with limited language skills, who therefore have limited opportunities for employment and for providing any kind of life for their families. Not to mention the loss of work for everyone who teaches in the program, and the ripple effects that occur in an institution when one of the foundational limbs is severed. In this difficult economy with a high cost of living and housing costs through the roof, this cut will be devastating for so many in the VCC community.
We ask that you consider alternative funding solutions that will prioritize the continued support of LINC at VCC.
Taryn Thomson
VCCFA President