President’s Letters & News

View news postings made directly from the president of the VCCFA.

Move Up job action at Capilano University

MoveUP is the union representing non-faculty and non-management workers at Capilano University.  MoveUP has represented support and administrative staff at Capilano University since 1974. The strike is mainly about a single issue: a fair appeal process when the...

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VCCFA Report to Faculty – June 2023

June 2023 Report to Faculty from the VCCFA Prepared by Taryn Thomson, VCCFA President   Holidays I am hoping that many of you will soon be taking holidays. As a reminder to Department Heads, if you are in a department that does not have more than one department...

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Spring 2023 Report to VCCFA Membership

Bargaining  We have been bargaining with the college since the fall and will be taking a break in May to accommodate holiday schedules. The break is also tactical, as we want to have the option to use our power by way of a strike vote if we need to. Job action or the...

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