President’s Letters & News
View news postings made directly from the president of the VCCFA.
Holiday Message to all Faculty 2022
Looking back, Looking forward In preparing to write this message, I read over what I wrote last year at this time. Then, it was all about vaccine mandates (or not), vaccine passports, stresses about return to campus, and questions around who to notify if our students...
VCCFA Report to the College Board – September 2022
Report to the College Board - September 28th, 2022 - oral report Welcome back - trust everyone had a restorative and fun summer! Funding review - It was heartening that all the stakeholder groups at the college were aligned in our presentations to the funding...
VCCFA Funding Review Submission – July 2022
July 15, 2022 Vancouver Community College Faculty Association 401-402 West Pender StreetVancouver, BC Mr. Don Wright, Thanks for the opportunity to provide input on behalf of the roughly 600 Faculty who work at Vancouver Community College. I am currently the president...
VCCFA Report to the College Board – June 2022
Thoughts on Cuts and the VCC identity and Developmental Students and the way forward Presented to the VCC Board of Governors, June 29 2022, on behalf of the VCCFA by Taryn Thomson, VCCFA President College of Access When Kathy Kinloch became president at...
President’s Report: June 2022
Pandemic to Endemic We have made it to the other side of the pandemic, however not in the way we imagined. Remember when we all talked about vaccines as if they would cure Covid? Remember when we thought Covid was something that could be avoided? How naive it all...
VCCFA Report to the College Board – March 2022
Ukraine We are horrified about the events unfolding in Ukraine and send our thoughts and well wishes to all the faculty, staff and students worried about loved ones there. The VCCFA sent a donation of $1000 to the Red Cross for humanitarian aid, and we thank the...