Seniority List

Seniority lists are compiled on a yearly basis effective April 1 of any given year.

Please find attached the Faculty Seniority lists for the period of April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

Alphabetical by Area

Alphabetical by Surname

How is seniority calculated? 

Appendix IV, pages 105 -107 of the Collective Agreement sets out more examples of seniority calculation in detail. The basic descriptions of each instructor type and principles are below.


Regular Instructor

Regular instructors are those who are employed for:

• Those holding half-time or more appointments that are expected to be continuous from year to year (Permanent Regular), or;

• Those holding half-time or more appointments, who are serving a probationary period of one year, prior to being confirmed as permanent regular faculty members (Probationary Regular).

All regular instructors accrue the same annual amount of seniority (261 days per fiscal year) regardless of their time-status.


Jane is a full-time regular faculty member who has been hired as of September 2, 2014. For the period from September 2, 2014 to March 31, 2015, Jane’s seniority will be:

7 months x 261 full days of service ÷ 12 months = 152.25 days

Rounded off = 152 days.

Term Instructor

Term instructors are those who are employed for:

• Specified periods which have starting and ending dates, where the length of the appointment is more than 3 duty days, or;

• For unspecified periods where it is known in advance that the assignment will exceed 19 duty days.

All term instructors have their actual service pro-rated to a proportion of 261, the maximum amount that may be accrued in any one fiscal year.


John works 180 days at half-time. His FTE total days is 90 (180 days ÷ 2). John will be credited with:

90 FTE total days x 261 ÷ 201 = 116.87 days of service.

Rounded off = 117 days.

Auxiliary Instructor

Auxiliary instructors are those who are employed for:

• Unspecified periods on a day-to-day basis (whether for full or partial days) that do not exceed 19 days, or;

• For specified periods with starting and ending dates, where the length of the appointment is 3 duty days or less.

All auxiliary instructors have their actual service pro-rated in the same way but only concurrent with or following their first term appointment.


Joan has a 180 day half-time term appointment (180 days ÷ 2 = 90 FTE total days). She is called for part-time subbing (at the minimum call out of 3 hours) 20 times (20 x 3 = 60 hours ÷ 5 hours per duty day = 12 FTE total days). Joan will be credited with:

102 FTE days total x 261 ÷ 201 = 132.45 days of service.

Rounded off = 132 days.

For more detailed examples and information on the calculations of Seniority, please consult the Collective Agreement on pages 105-107.